NAME Anika/Leon |
AGE 16 |
RACE White |
BYF! |
I go through phases where I constantly spam my story, so don't follow if it bothers you. If you DM me, I might answer fast, but talking with new people isn't my top skill. I Can and Will say something stupid. Im a little silly
DNI! |
basic dni criteria, anyone under 13, and anyone over 18, if you dont like cats or dislike my friends or mutuals. Also. Please leave me alone if you plan on talking to me and are a dry texter. Pls.
Now playing... House of Wolves by MCR ▶
Well, I think I'm gonna burn in Hell, Everybody burn the house right down. And say what I wanna say Tell me I'm an angel, take this to my grave Tell me I'm a bad man, kick me like a stray
jason todd<3, dami wayne, harley q, roy harper, cass c, noe archiviste, he xuan, draken, mitsuya, yuta, maki, nie huaisang, yusuke kitagawa, goro akechi, tails, shadow and silver, noctis and sososo much more!!
SERIES and GAMES DC, vnc, stardew valley, jjk, mxtx, the hunger games, tokrev, hxh, pandora hearts, tdg, p5, ff15/7, tlou, sonic, ftrf, junji ito, ect!!
MUSIC mitski, mcr, fish in a bird cage, AGK, three days grace, marina, the dresden dolls, ABBA, kimya dawson, , ect!!
OTHER INTERESTS crocheting, baking, gardening, tending to my house plants, collecting comics, 19th century women's clothing ermm and things i cant remember..